We made it to the end of the year, if you feel anything like me what a roller coaster! It is by God's grace that your reading this post today!
Tis the season to give and Christmas is by far my favorite holiday season so, I will be giving away 7 gifts to my social media family but the first gift will go to my subscribers so if you have not yet subscribe please do so by December 6, 2021. I'll be unveiling this gift in this month's December issue of the newsletter on Sunday December 5th.
I will be supporting 4 small businesses by purchasing items to give away so stay tuned to our social media platforms to learn how to snag some of these goodies!!!! I was motivated this year to pay it forward as I was a recipient of this random act of kindness this week. An older gentlemen at my local dollar tree was checking out at the register. He turns to the cashier and said: "I am activating my random act of kindness and I will be paying for her tab as well". I was stunned to say the least, I love doing things like this myself but to my memory I've never been a recipient of a random act of kindness in this way. I was so excited that I elbow bumped him before I knew it (being that the pandemic continues some people still prefer to maintain 6 ft. social distancing)
You all will be the beneficiaries of my random act of kindness and I couldn't be more excited to start the gift giving. I will be going live twice this month on the 7th (Facebook: Natosha Simpson Zanders) and 17th (Instagram: courageatwork) at 7:17pm. Only the live viewers will win the gift for that night so make sure to follow my pages if you have not already (see you soon).